Музей древностей на горе Митридат (Феодосия)

Rating :
attractions / architecture / building
Ukraine, Crimea, city Feodosiya
Рядом с улицей Митридатская и улицей Сейсмическая
- 45.019386000000 35.389682000000

- until the 20th century
- not survived to the present time
- до 1 часа
- free

Suitable place for: couple, romantic, romantic trip; family with children over 10 years; one visit, a trip to one; activities; tour in the city / promenade; beautiful view; conference / staff party / training & rest; high life; Christmas; may holidays; beach, coast / holiday at sea, ocean, river, lake; winter holidays; holidays

Suitable for hobbies: sculpture; painting; history; sightseeing; travel / tourism

Place was added by:
2014-05-24, 13:40
Last changes of information:
2014-05-24, 13:41
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