Масонская школа для девочек • The Masonic Girls School, Dublin

Rating :
attractions / architecture / building
Ирландия, Leinster, city Dublin
Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland
- 53.325769000000 -6.224574000000

- Bewley's Hotel Ballsbridge The Masonic Female Orphan School of Ireland 1792-1892. http://www.irishmasonichistory.com/the-masonic-girls-school-dublin-1792-to-1892.html
- until the 20th century
- original
- free
- http://www.bewleyshotels.com/

Suitable place for: couple, romantic, romantic trip; one visit, a trip to one; tour in the city / promenade

Suitable for hobbies: sightseeing

Place was added by:
2015-01-05, 14:15
Last changes of information:
2015-01-05, 16:34
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