Башней Мартелло #2 • Martello Tower #2

Rating :
attractions / castle, a fortress, a military structure or facility (except secret) / pillbox (military); tower
Ирландия, Leinster, town Howth
полуостров Хоут Хэд в Ирландском море
- 53.387607000000 -6.063785000000

- until the 20th century
- original
- до 30 минут
- english; irish

Suitable place for: couple, romantic, romantic trip; family with children over 10 years; one visit, a trip to one; quiet place to stay; away from civilization; beautiful view; beach, coast / holiday at sea, ocean, river, lake

Suitable for hobbies: sightseeing; history

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2015-01-03, 19:15
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2015-01-03, 19:19
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2015-01-04, 17:38
2015-01-03, 19:46